Respecting and upholding human rights is fundamental to leaving a positive legacy in the communities and regions where we operate. Our commitment is at the very core of our “responsible miner” value and extends to project-impacted communities, Indigenous groups, local employees and suppliers.
We recognize that our local communities have universal human rights and consider these rights in our business decisions. We also make sure that our employees and contractors understand their obligations to respect human rights.
Our security program is mandated to protect our people and our assets, while simultaneously respecting universal human rights. Centerra’s practices align with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHRs), the articles set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
To ensure the VPSHRs are followed, security and community relations personnel receive regular training on the Principles, which involves a mixture of classroom training along with ongoing knowledge checks and examinations. Specific training topics may include:
- Appropriate conduct, rules of engagement and the use of force continuum, all based on internationally recognized law enforcement protocols such as the UN’s Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials and the UN’s Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials
- Basic conflict resolution techniques
Communities of interest, project-impacted stakeholders and Indigenous groups are made aware of how to access our community-based grievance mechanism in order to raise a grievance about any security-related behaviour not aligned with the VPSHRs. The mechanisms are developed in alignment with nine criteria to ensure the legitimacy and accessibility of the mechanism and to help provide an appropriate remedy. Find more information on our Feedback and Grievance Mechanism here.
Conflict-Free Gold
As members of the World Gold Council, we comply with the Conflict-Free Gold Standard. Our 2023 Conflict-Free Gold Report confirms that all gold and gold-bearing materials produced at our operating site have been extracted in a manner that does not cause, support or benefit unlawful armed conflict or contribute to serious human rights abuses or breaches of international humanitarian law.
2023 Conflict-Free Gold Report
We aim to develop a human rights due diligence program for all of our operating sites.