Centerra Gold acknowledges that acting in a responsible manner is key to maintaining its social licence to operate in the jurisdictions where it does business. In 2023, Centerra received independent assurance of its conformance to the World Gold Council’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles.
The World Gold Council (WGC) formally introduced the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) in 2019. The RGMPs set out clear expectations for consumers, investors and the downstream gold supply chain as to what constitutes responsible gold mining. The RGMPs comprise 10 principles and 51 sub-criteria and span topics and themes like community development, biodiversity, local procurement, diversity and inclusion, and climate change.
Click on the icons below to see how Centerra Gold is working to achieve conformance with each of the Principles.

Ethical Conduct
We will conduct our businesses with integrity, including absolute opposition to corruption.
SDG Targets

Understanding our Impacts
We will engage with our stakeholders and implement management systems so as to ensure that we assess, understand and manage our impacts, realize opportunities and provide remedy where needed.
SDG Target

Supply chain
We will require that our suppliers conduct their businesses ethically and responsibly as a condition of doing business with us.
SDG Targets

Safety and health
We will protect and promote the safety and occupational health of our workforce (employees and contractors) above all other priorities and will empower them to speak up if they encounter unsafe working conditions.
SDG Target

Human rights and conflict
We will respect the human rights of our workforce, affected communities and all those people with whom we interact.
SDG Targets

Labour rights
We will ensure that our operations are places where employees and contractors are treated with respect and are free from discrimination and abusive labour practices.
SDG Targets

Working with communities
We will contribute to the socio-economic advancement of communities associated with our operations and treat them with dignity and respect.
Principle in Action
SDG Targets

Environmental stewardship
We will ensure that environmental responsibility is at the core of how we work.
Principle in Action
SDG Targets

Biodiversity, land use and mine closure
We will work to ensure that fragile ecosystems, critical habitats and endangered species are protected from damage, and will plan for responsible mine closure.
Principle in Action
SDG Targets

Water, energy and climate change
We will improve the efficiency of our use of water and energy, recognizing that the impacts of climate change and water constraints may increasingly become a threat to the locations where we work and a risk to our licence to operate.
Principle in Action
SDG Targets

As responsible miners, we are committed to implementing the following standards, principles, codes, and initiatives.
Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
In 2023, we continued to align our climate change work with the TCFD framework to ensure effective climate-related disclosure for increased market transparency.
Conflict-Free Gold Standard
We are committed to responsibly producing gold, whereby our mining and processing operations are aligned with the global standard for the responsible sourcing of gold and independently assured under the WGC’s Conflict-Free Gold Standard (CFGS).
Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHRs)
Centerra’s security practices are aligned with the VPSHRs, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the articles set forth in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our security and sustainability/community relations personnel and private security contractors across our operating sites participate in routine training to ensure adherence to the VPSHRs.
International Cyanide Management Code
In 2020, Öksüt became a signatory to the International Cyanide Management Code (ICMC) to ensure best practices are maintained during the use and transportation of cyanide. In 2024, the Öksüt Mine attained certification from the International Cyanide Management Institute, confirming complete adherence to the ICMC.
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
Centerra commits to disclosing information along the extractive industry value chain to promote understanding of natural resource management, strengthen public and corporate governance and accountability, and provide the data to inform policy-making and multi-stakeholder dialogue in the extractive sector.