The health and safety of our employees, contractors, communities, site visitors and the public is critical to our success and continued operation. All our activities, from exploration to mine closure, are conducted with health and safety top of mind and with an “all incidents are preventable” mentality. This is fundamental to being a responsible miner.
Centerra’s health and safety (H&S) processes and systems are designed to ensure that we meet or exceed local, regional, and national health and safety legislation everywhere we operate.
Work Safe/Home Safe
We prioritize health and safety (H&S) training for all employees and contractors, aiming to ensure everyone returns home safely after every shift or site visit.
Centerra’s Work Safe/Home Safe Program, launched in 2018, is central to our H&S training and fostering a culture of safety leadership. The program emphasizes senior management communication and practical tools to encourage safety commitment among employees and contractors.
The program includes “STOP Conversations” to empower employees and contractors to report unsafe practices and allows anonymous submission of safety concerns without fear of retribution. Contractors receive initial and ongoing safety training and are selected based on rigorous health and safety criteria. Each contractor group has a designated Centerra “owner” responsible for their H&S performance.
In 2023, Centerra continued diligently with the implementation of its data collection and analysis software platform to monitor key occupational health and safety leading and lagging indicators. These metrics help to guide corporate and site teams in their informed decision-making by directing management’s focus to value-added opportunities for improvement.
Emergency Preparedness
To ensure our teams have the tools, skills and resources needed to address an emergency, each site has proactive emergency response plans and highly skilled, rigorously trained emergency response teams in place.
The emergency response teams at all Centerra sites receive regular training on emergency prevention, including on dealing with high-hazard priority incidents such as cyanide and chemical spills and dispersal, high-angle rescues, vehicle extrications, and fires. Along with training, sites conduct periodic drills and mock exercises to ensure that teams understand proper procedures and to identify areas for improvement. Centerra’s highly skilled emergency response teams (ERTs) at Mount Milligan compete in annual district and regional mine rescue competitions, which provide excellent opportunities for building team spirit as well as continually testing and improving emergency response skills.
Throughout 2023, Öksüt’s ERTs held their emergency response training at the Kayseri Fire Department, where emergency drills were conducted.
Protecting Employee and Community Health and Safety
We recognize that the presence of a mining project may contribute to an influx of migration into our local communities. This, in turn, can play a role in increasing safety and health–related issues, including communicable and non-communicable diseases and other medical conditions. To protect our employees and communities, we take proactive measures to raise awareness and promote good hygiene and well-being practices.
We conduct health screenings for employees and contractors before they are hired and then on a periodic basis throughout their employment or contract. Each year, we also invest in preventative health programs, which may include voluntary flu vaccinations, inter-site fitness challenges and ad hoc guest speakers.
Mental Health
We recognize the importance of creating a supportive work environment and understand how mental health contributes to our employees’ safety. As part of our commitment to our employees, we continuously assess how we can better support them during stressful and difficult times.